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Re: [Swftools-common] problem with fonts

From: Matthias Kramm
Subject: Re: [Swftools-common] problem with fonts
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 22:16:59 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.6i

On Tue, Sep 21, 2004 at 12:45:22PM +0800, mtang wrote:
> 1.       I got error message : "test.sc", line 2 column 26: warning-
> Couldn't open font file "output.swf"
> when using swfc and the output.swf was an existing font file transferred
> by font2swf.

Strange- is that the Windows or the Unix version of swfc?

> 2.  When directly applying the font arial.ttf in test.sc, everything
> works fine and fast and the resulting swf is small (about 126k, and I
> noticed that the size of arial.swf is about 142k).

Font SWFs are usually not compressed- swfc SWFs are, usually, depending on
the flash version specified in the .flash header.

>    But, when I applying some Chinese or Japanese fonts, eg. xxx.ttf, in
> test.sc, the swfc compile it very slowly and the resulting swf is very
> large (about  12,126k and
> noticed also the size of xxx.swf is about 12,311k). (But I love the
> resulting swf very much with the xxx.ttf font. They are very beautiful.
> Thank you guys!)
> So, I guess the problem of slowly compiling is that xxx.ttf (maybe
> contains 7,000+ characters) is far more larger than arial.ttf (26
> letters + 0-9 +.) and fonts (xxx.ttf or arial.ttf) are included in the
> resulting test.swf file in a certain form. Is there a way to speed up
> this? 

Loading the SWF Font instead of the TTF font usually speeds this up
quite a bit. So I suggest we try to make that work on your system.
Can you play the SWFs generated by font2swf in the Flash player?

> Can we just include fonts for 'hello world' in the resulting swf?

librfxswf does have some options for reducing a font only to it's 
used characters, but it hasn't been included in swfc yet- I'll
set it on the TODO list.
Btw., could you send me one of those 7,000+ characters fonts? I've
never tested with such a font before. Thanks!

> 3.       Is there any methods for specifying a utf-8 encoded
> representation (can be typed by keyboard) to text? 
> Eg.  .text helloworld font=Arial
> text=chr(0xE8).chr(0xB5).chr(0x9B).chr(0xE8).chr(0xBF).chr(0xAA).chr(0xE
> 7).chr(0xBD).chr(0x91)
> (obviously using text = "0xE80xB50x9B" won't produce our desired swf)

Good idea. What about (C-Notation) "\xE8\xB5\x9b\xE8"?



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