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[Swftools-common] Re: Swftools-common Digest, Vol 47, Issue 16

From: Admin PScy.net
Subject: [Swftools-common] Re: Swftools-common Digest, Vol 47, Issue 16
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 22:34:40 -0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070604)

Message: 6
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 10:31:00 +0200
From: Matthias Kramm <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: [Swftools-common] About using transparent animations..
To: address@hidden
Message-ID: <address@hidden>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Thu, Aug 16, 2007 at 12:59:51AM -0300, Admin PScy.net wrote:
I'm learning how to use swftools and I think that I'm walking on the
right way but I have some questions..

The first question is about using transparent animations, I don't have
the result that I want cause the background of animation assumes the
color that I've set on the first line (by .flash ...) and if I don't use
any color (eg.: .flash bbox=755x475 name="login.swf") the animation
assumes a black background;

You're missing the wmode="transparent" in the embed tag:

<embed src="login.swf" width="755" height="475"
transparent="true" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer";

The second and last question is about how to submit informations from my
animation. Actually I'm using the GET method using this.geturl('?email='
+ usermail + '&pass=' + userpass + '&verification=someverificationcode')
logically I'm using the username and the mail codificated and
obfuscating the url but it doesn't make me feel secure and I wanna learn
how to submit this informations using some POST method;

this.geturl('?email=' + usermail + '&pass=' + userpass + '&verification=someverificationcode', '_this', 'POST')



Hi, everyone!

About using this.geturl('someurl?someid=' + id, '_this' {{ || '_parent' }}, 'POST').. I have some questions.. First: why the 'someurl?someid=' + id is visible if the method is POST? I try to use a code that I've found on some websites but it doesn't working. It compiles ok, but they don't send or retrieve any information.. The code that I've found is something like this..

  objSendData = new LoadVars();
  objRetrieve = new LoadVars();
objSendData.sendAndLoad('auth.php?id=' + id, objRetrieve, "POST");

..I've made a simple phpscript to retrieve any information posted by the flash form but it isn't receiving anything, so, any result was show.. The php script is
  { $arq = fopen("flashlog.tx", "a");
    fwrite($arq, date("d/m/Y H:i")." ".$_POST["id"]);

So, the phpscript is working - yes, I've tested - the log file is empty, the flash animation doesn't 'posting' to auth.php.
The only solution for this is I use $_GET vars?

Please, if anyone else know how to build a form with POST method tell me! I'm searching for this since last night (yes, I don't sleep.. I'm 'online' since 15/08/2007 07:03).

P.S.: sorry for my 'last first question' - talking about transparency -, It was working well on other browsers else here (I'm using Mozilla Firefox w/ Ubuntu 7.04 and it have some bugs with flash and shockwave resources). But thanks a lot for the answer! Living and learning.. C:

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