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Re: [Swftools-common] issue with an object

From: Ricardo Pedroso
Subject: Re: [Swftools-common] issue with an object
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 2009 01:07:17 +0000

2009/10/31 Pablo Rodríguez <address@hidden>:
> Hi there,
> I have an SWFC source file, such as the one bellow.
> I wrote an .filled .outline (fscreen and fscreen_outline), but it isn't
> properly centered and setting it .visible to 0 erases all content in stage.
> I don't know what I can be doing wrong, since a similar object is
> properly centered and properly erased.

See if the following script is what you want:

.flash filename="min-fscreen.swf" version=7 fps=12
.outline fscreen_outline: M 62.78125 18.703125 L 43.367188 23.734375 L
38.390625 43.09375 L 42.109375 39.375 L 48.671875 45.9375 L 65.625
29.039062 L 59.0625 22.421875 L 62.78125 18.703125 z M 199.71875
18.703125 L 203.4375 22.421875 L 196.875 29.039062 L 213.773438 45.9375
L 220.390625 39.375 L 224.109375 43.09375 L 219.132812 23.734375 L
199.71875 18.703125 z M 83.125 45.9375 C 73.429688 45.9375 65.625
53.742188 65.625 63.4375 L 65.625 133.4375 C 65.625 143.132812 73.429688
150.9375 83.125 150.9375 L 179.375 150.9375 C 189.070312 150.9375
196.875 143.132812 196.875 133.4375 L 196.875 63.4375 C 196.875
53.742188 189.070312 45.9375 179.375 45.9375 L 83.125 45.9375 z M
48.726562 150.9375 L 42.109375 157.5 L 38.390625 153.78125 L 43.367188
173.140625 L 62.78125 178.171875 L 59.0625 174.453125 L 65.625
167.835938 L 48.726562 150.9375 z M 213.773438 150.9375 L 196.875
167.835938 L 203.4375 174.453125 L 199.71875 178.171875 L 219.132812
173.140625 L 224.109375 153.78125 L 220.390625 157.5 L 213.773438
150.9375 z .end
.outline fulls_outline: M 17.5 0 L 245 0 C 254.695312 0 262.5 7.804688
262.5 17.5 L 262.5 179.375 C 262.5 189.070312 254.695312 196.875 245
196.875 L 17.5 196.875 C 7.804688 196.875 0 189.070312 0 179.375 L 0
17.5 C 0 7.804688 7.804688 0 17.5 0 z .end
.filled fscreen outline=fscreen_outline fill=#969696ff color=#969696ff
.filled fulls outline=fulls_outline fill=#64646496 color=#64646496

.button fs_button
   .show fulls as=idle
   .show fulls as=area
   .show fulls as=hover
   .show fulls as=pressed
       Stage["displayState"] = "fullScreen";

.swf first_slide "orphanworks-first.swf"

.frame 1
       .put first_slide pin=center
       .stop first_slide
       .put fscreen pin=center
       .stop fscreen
       .put full_screen=fs_button pin=center
       .stop full_screen


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