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[Swftools-common] audio problems with swftools-0.9.2

From: Stevie G. Messervey
Subject: [Swftools-common] audio problems with swftools-0.9.2
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2013 12:44:43 -0800 (PST)

Good day,

I am having problems with wav2swf and swfextract.

I have downloaded a couple of wavs to test wav2swf, including
one previously published on this list- the "Austin Powers" wav:


For the austin wav, I get the following error: 'strange error flushing buffer'.
For other wavs, I also get the following error: 'Unsupported bitspersample 
value: '
and the value is either 0 or 4.

To see if these errors were a general indication of audio failure, I downloaded
an swf file from: http://dagobah.net/flash/Big_O.swf
The file is named dagobah_Big_O.swf.
I tried using swfextract:

$swfextract -o big_o.mp3 -m dagobah_Big_o.swf
ERROR    Soundstream is not mp3 (2)
ERROR    Didn't find a soundstream in file

Yet swfdump finds the soundstream:
$swfdump dagobah_Big_O.swf

[02d]         4 SOUNDSTREAMHEAD2
[02d]         4          SOUNDSTREAMHEAD2
[00e]    152433 DEFINESOUND defines id 0076 (MP3 44Khz 16Bit stereo)
[00f]         3 STARTSOUND starts sound with id 0076


I used the 'file' command to get some info on the wavs:
$file a-team_intro.wav
a-team_intro.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, MPEG Layer 3, mono 
11025 Hz
(this one errors with bitspersample value 0)
$file bigfart.wav
bigfart.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft ADPCM, mono 11025 
(this one errors with bitspersample value 4)
$file get_smart_theme.wav
get_smart_theme.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, MPEG Layer 3, mono 
11025 Hz
(this one errors with bitspersample value 0)

$file austin.wav:
austin.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 8 bit, mono 
11025 Hz

wav2swf does produce output files for each of the wavs, but none of them 
produces any sound.
I have tried using swfobject and plain html to render the swf's in the browser.
I can see an example swf I made with gif2swf, but none of the audio ones work.

Here is my system info:
$uname -a
Linux sgmtech4 2.6.32-5-686 #1 SMP Sun Sep 23 09:49:36 UTC 2012 i686 GNU/Linux
I am using Debian, debian_version = 6.0.6
lame 3.99.5 (built from source and configured only with --prefix=/usr)


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