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Re: user defined macro as @table argument

From: Karl Berry
Subject: Re: user defined macro as @table argument
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2012 22:51:46 GMT

Hi Patrice,

     @macro keyword{kw}
     @table @keyword

Vincent should use m4 :).

As you say, doesn't work in TeX.  No, such things don't work "in
general".  (Almost nothing about @macros works "in general" in TeX.)  I
suppose it would be possible to make it work, but like you with
texi2any, it would be ugly and I don't want to bother.

The only thing I would say that might be helpful is if texi2any could
notice if the @table argument is in fact defined as a macro and give an
error (not just a warning) at that point.  If it's straightforward to
do, would make things a lot clearer for the user than doing the
expansion.  But I guess maybe the macro expansion has already happened
before the code for @table is even being executed, so it wouldn't be so

I'll see about giving the error in TeX and saying something about this
in the documentation, in any case.


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