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Re: [Texmacs-dev] GCC-3.2 segfault debugging update

From: Igor V. Kovalenko
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] GCC-3.2 segfault debugging update
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 01:59:32 +0300
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David Allouche wrote:
Guile does raise a big mass of false positives in its stack walking
code. However Valgrind has a nice suppression feature which make it
easy to weed them out. My suppression file is attached to this email,
it also suppress some Xlib hits which seem caused by problems in my
Xlib installation and/or in Valgrind.

I tried to track guile false positives some time ago :) Some led me to
uninitialized values in TeXmacs own code. But they should be detectable
anyway. It's nice you have these suppressions ready.

Debugging must be done with Joris' fast_alloc disabled. The way to do
it is to comment out the declarations of new, new[], delete and
delete[] in basic.hh. I guess we might add a configure option to make
this easier. The reason is not distrust in the allocation code, but
simply that it may hide problems from Valgrind. With that code
disabled all malloc's and free's are properly monitored by Valgrind,
so problems can be detected earlier.

One exemple is the once reported "w/o fast_alloc it crashes once I
click the window. Actually the problem is caused by a double
destruction of a counted pointer "list" in "find_accessible_child"
called from "find_box_path". With fast_alloc enabled it does not crash
(and is not reported by valgring) but probably corrupts the fast_alloc
stuff is subtle ways.

I was able to work around that particular bug by modifying the
refcounting macros in basic.hh. I added a bool data member called
"destroyed" which was set to "false" at creation, and set to "true" at
destruction, and immediately returned from ~list (and other
destructors using the same macro, by the way) before handling
refcounting if "destroyed" was true. That fix is too ugly to get into
mainline but it is instructive.

I also was able to reproduce the autosave crash. It seems to be caused
by multiple destruction of a tree object when returning from an inner
"tm_writer::write" call directly into "tm_data_rep::save_tree(string,
tree, bool)", but only occurs if save_tree is called from
"tm_data_rep::auto_save()"! Though such a return path does not exist
in the code but the optimizer reschedule things.

This should not happen if I correctly understand the thing of side effects.
I see this return path as it should be created by GCC bug.
Do you use GCC-3.2.1 (release) version?

BTW, nice work, David!

Igor V. Kovalenko    mailto: iko at crec dot mipt dot ru

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