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Re: [Texmacs-dev] Plugins and Announcing TeXmacs

From: Joris van der Hoeven
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] Plugins and Announcing TeXmacs
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 12:02:43 +0100 (CET)

Hi Mark,

> Awhile back is was mentioned on the list that someone should announce the new
> stable version of TeXmacs in different places.  I was wondering if I made a
> "review" page for the latest version and what it can do would you be
> interested in it?

I somehow missed your message. YES, it would be very nice if you could do this.
Since the whole website is now written in TeXmacs as part of the TeXmacs-doc
project, it would suffice to get an account on Savannah, give me your ID,
and maintain the news and samples pages.

Notice that I am also very interested by a small list of people who would
be willing to systematically make some publicity for new stable releases.

> I'm having to do this anyway as a quick tutorial for running R, maxima,
> octave, gnuplot, etc. for the GTA's here.  Mainly I'd like to get everyone
> here using TeXmacs for exams and homework.  If there was a page like this you
> could probably point slashdot.org to it and see if it gets accepted.

The plug-ins page on the website is not good enough? Notice that we
cannot point to non-free software like GNUplot (the name is misleading).

> Also, a question about plugins.  Gnuplot is nice and all, but I'm wanting a
> better (more purty) 2D and 3D function plotter.  So I'm playing with xd3d (
> at http://www.cmap.polytechnique.fr/~jouve/xd3d/ ).  What I'm needing is
> after an image has been included to then go back and dump that included
> postscript file as input for a program.  Can a plugin grab previous output?
> And if so, any examples?

What we really need is an OpenGL plug-in. That would require some work,
but it should not be too hard (one month?).

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