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Re: [Texmacs-dev] major barrier to adoption

From: Henri Lesourd
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] major barrier to adoption
Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 20:07:59 +0100
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Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:

 Although... of course you can export
 your document to LaTeX, work on it
 in emacs, and reimport it later in
 TeXmacs, it works perfectly.

That's wrong, and I expected you to know it.

No, I don't know everything, and I never worked
on this part of TeXmacs, btw.

The export to LaTeX *is*
lossy. Here's an example of a document that looks different (the (mid
"|") becomes just "|", and thus it does not scale anymore) after
importing the exported LaTeX.

Aha. Interesting. Then I conclude that it works
most of the time, instead of always.

I only wanted to stress that import/exporting
LaTeX documents inside TeXmacs is a purely
syntactic task : thus in principle, it is
easy to implement it perfectly.

This is not at all the same if you consider
the (rather unsolvable, or at least, currently
unsolved) task of importing pure TeX : in
this latter case, translating TeX to TeXmacs
stylesheet language/TeXmacs markup could
be compared to translating assembly language
to a higher-level language like ML, or Prolog,
let's say.

Anyway, it's a long time ago that nobody
worked on the import/export code of TeXmacs,
as far as I know.

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