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Re: [Texmacs-dev] Tests concerning Qt-TeXmacs

From: Gubinelli Massimiliano
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] Tests concerning Qt-TeXmacs
Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 23:55:03 +0100

Thanks Joris for the interesting tests.

I've modified a bit autotroll to have a more consisten behavior on Linuxes. Indeed it seems that the original version was developed on the mac and as a result, even on Linux machine, it was trying to use some mac-related configuation file for qmake (the flag -spec macx-g++) which on some Linux distro do not exists (like in Arch). Now it compiles fine on Arch and on my Mac.

One problem: when I try to commit back the new configure I obtain the following error from svn

address@hidden src]$ svn commit -m'Fixing autotroll' configure
Sending        configure
Transmitting file data .svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: While preparing '/home/mgubi/t/src/configure' for commit
svn: Inconsistent line ending style

I do not understand why. But due to this, if you want to test the new autotroll code you have to do an explicit autoconf.


On Dec 13, 2008, at 11:41 PM, Joris van der Hoeven wrote:

Hi all,

I recently installed virtual machines for Ubuntu, Fedora and Window
on my MacOS laptop. This enables me to test the efficiency of TeXmacs
on these different platforms, as well as the Qt-port. Surprisingly,
the different OS's greatly vary in efficiency for the same version
of TeXmacs, with the same compiler and the standard installation procedure. Ubuntu and Fedora (32 bits) are the last versions downloaded from the web.
MacOS Tiger and Windows XP.

For my first test, I have measured the time to load my lecture note
inside TeXmacs. Here are the results:

MacOS, plain                    19 sec
MacOS, --disable-fastalloc      30 sec
MacOS, --enable-qt              34 sec

Ubuntu, plain                   10 sec
Ubuntu, --disable-fastalloc     19 sec
Ubuntu, --enable-qt             19 sec

Fedora, plain                   26 sec
Fedora, --disable-fastalloc     34 sec
Fedora, --enable-qt             39 sec

Windows, --enable-qt            30 sec

Conclusion, Ubuntu really seems to outperform all other OS's
by a non-trivial factor, despite the fact that it runs in
a virtual machine. The standard TeXmacs memory allocation scheme
also consistently outperforms the standard one (--disable-alloc,
which is default when using Qt).

For my second test, I tried to track down the memory leak for Qt- TeXmacs. I load "Help -> Manual -> Typing simple texts" and look at the memory usage.
Inside the document, I next scroll down to the bottom (page-down) and
back up (page up) 25 times. I again look at the memory usage.
Here are the results in Mb (numbers correspond to the columns in 'top'
about memory usage)

MacOS, plain                    24/1/32/61 -> 25/1/33/62
MacOS, --disable-fastalloc      23/1/31/59 -> 25/1/32/60
MacOS, --enable-qt              43/16/59/319 -> 73/16/90/349

Ubuntu, --enable-qt             71/47/13 -> 77/52/13

Fedora, plain                   54/36/7 -> 55/37/7
Fedora, --enable-qt             75/47/14 -> 80/52/14

Conclusion, the memory leak is not due to disabling fast memory allocation. It is both present under Mac OS and under Linux, but much stronger for Mac OS. I did not find a top command for Windows, so I could not test yet. Notice also that, without Qt, the memory usage stabilizes after one single scroll down and up.

At any rate, the memory leak is currently the main obstacle
to the use of Qt-TeXmacs: I tried to write an article some time ago,
and went out of memory after about 15 minutes...

Best wishes, Joris

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