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[Texmacs-dev] Qt queued processing attempt

From: Gubinelli Massimiliano
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] Qt queued processing attempt
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2009 13:43:07 +0100

Hi there,

I made an attempt to correclty implement check_event() in the Qt port. As already discussed on this list this attempt is based on a queued processing of Qt events sent to the TeXmacs canvas. This allow to look at the queue of unprocessed events to see if redrawing must stop or can continue and bypasses the limitiation (of many moder GUIs API) of not being able to peek into the Qt event queue. WARNING: this is an half baked attempt. It seems to work on my mac but redrawing must be improved. I post it to give to interested people the possibility of look at it and provide feedback or patches. At the moment there are no plans to merge it to the main repository. I'm willing to discuss also other possible approaches to the problem.


Attachment: queued-processing.patch
Description: Binary data

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