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Re: [Texmacs-dev] \resize is broken according to manual?

From: Sam Liddicott
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] \resize is broken according to manual?
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 10:18:15 +0100
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I reckon that absolute positions aren't available during the first pass, and, seeing how HTAB is typeset in the first pass, I guess I want to look at the second pass to see how much space is needed - and so I should probably modify HTAB to work against a tabstop...


On 23/08/10 09:06, Sam Liddicott wrote:
I think resize tag doesn't work according to the docs; which say (http://www.texmacs.org/tmweb/manual/webman-primitives.en.html):

(adjust size)

Resize the box for the content according to new left, bottom, right and top limits left-lim, bot-lim, right-lim and top-lim. The limits may be either be empty strings (in which case the old limit is taken), an absolute coordinate, or a limit computed as a function of the old limit.

In the last case, the limit string should be of the form <pos><op><len>. The first character <pos> indicates a position in the old box and should be either l (left), b (bottom), c (center), r (right) or t (top). The second character <op> indicates the operation which will be performed on this position and the remaining length string <len> in order to yield the new position. Possible operations are +, -, [ and ]. The brackets [ and ] stand for “minimum” and “maximum”. For instance, the code


So I tried this code for an absolute coordinate:




and it comes out as:


So it can't really be an absolute coordinate if the bigger the number the further left it move; especially as the opposite happens for the right margin. In fact there is no difference for the left limit, between l+2cm and 2cm

Part of the trouble is that in: ./src/src/Typeset/Concat/concat_text.cpp, function:
  SI resize (edit_env env, SI old, SI minimum, SI maximum, tree new_size)
in which minimum always seems to be zero and maximum is just a measure of current width

So how is it possible to provide absolute coordinates? (Or in my case I'm trying to implement tab stops, so I need to have some kind of absolute coordinate as an argument to the resize function as well).

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