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Re: [Texmacs-dev] How to use Git?

From: Miguel de Benito Delgado
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] How to use Git?
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2010 20:43:54 +0100

To put it as succinctly as you have, now I repeat my answer: "Just look for some tutorial on the web, there are hundreds."

As to the question that cannot be answered by those tutorials, namely should you fetch from SVN, I guess refreshing from there might get you newer stuff, since the git repository is maintained by Massimiliano alone who, for instance, is going to be away one week.
Miguel de  Benito.

2010/12/26 Victor Porton <address@hidden>
26.12.2010, 20:52, "Miguel de Benito Delgado" <address@hidden>:
> You don't need to create a repository on gitorious for your own work. Just "git clone" the repository and work there. To update your copy from the remote use "git pull". Then "git add", "git rm", etc. and "git commit" let you work on your copy. Remember that git's decentralized. You don't need access to the server to commit stuff. You commit locally. If after a while you have a changeset that you think is worth reviewing by the maintainer of the project then you have "git format-patch" and "git send-mail" or  "git diff", etc.
> Just look for some tutorial on the web, there are hundreds.

Joris refused to accept my "option groups" patch. So I need to fork that it to create a repository.

Now I repeat my questions:

I created my own repository on gitorious.org (http://gitorious.org/~porton/texmacs/texmacs-porton) and doubt what to do next.

>From Gitorius:

To recreate a live working copy (you need svn+ssh access to savannah):

# init working copy t
mkdir t
cd t
git init
git fetch -f address@hidden:texmacs/texmacs.git '+refs/remotes/*:refs/remotes/*'
git checkout -b master trunk
# init git-svn
git svn init -s svn+ssh://address@hidden/texmacs
# fetch from svn
git svn rebase
# push changes to this repository
git push --mirror address@hidden:texmacs/texmacs.git

When I am going to develop, should I fetch first with SVN as explained above? Or to work with Git only?

Could you kindly provide me with a template of the shell commands I need to execute?

Victor Porton - http://portonvictor.org

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