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[Texmacs-dev] Some problems with TeXmacs-QT: figures and UI

From: Michael Lachmann
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] Some problems with TeXmacs-QT: figures and UI
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2011 19:22:05 +0100

Here, again with the attachement...


I was testing TeXmacs-qt a bit. (BTW, the <gtr> problem is solved - thanks Joris!)

I still have a problem with plots in R.
Attached is a sample document. It includes one figure generated in R, one generated in gnuplot. The R figure does not show up in texmacs-qt. It does show up when one converts to pdf (from inside texmacs-qt), and it also shows up in regular TeXmacs. Looking at the file with a text editor, I don't see and obvious difference between the two figures. Any idea what's wrong?

The top icons (new, open, save...) (again) don't show up when TeXmacs launches, but display on window resize.

On my machine (OSX 10.5.8), the file dialog doesn't work very well. I think there is a problem with focus. If I switch to a different window, and back to the dialog, the problems solve themselves (no cursor, can't click in some areas...)

When you close the last buffer TeXmacs exits. This is not the default behaviour in other Mac apps, and also not the default behaviour in emacs. (emacs opens a scratch buffer when you close the last one, or maybe you just can't close a scratch buffer). On a mac, closing the last window of a program keeps the program running, whereas in other systems (windows, linux) it often quits then. But I think there is a difference between closing the last buffer and closing the last window. In my opinion, the behaviour should be: close last buffer opens a new empty buffer, close the last window exists in Windows & Linux, but not in texmacs-qt on a mac (or any mac implementation with its own main menu). Of course there is the question whether cmd-w should close the buffer or the window... aquamacs closes the buffer on cmd-w, and keeps the window open with the next buffer, until it runs out of buffers, and then closes the window. (and of course keeps running and controllable via the top menu)


Attachment: testplot.tm.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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