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[Texmacs-dev] Eukleides has a new language, and so the plugin needs a re

From: Adrian S.
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] Eukleides has a new language, and so the plugin needs a revision.
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 18:22:50 -0600

The plugin for Eukleides needs a revision, since Eukleides changed its language, and thus the examples in the menus no longer work.

The plugin produced empty eps boxes either way.  I modified the file tm_eukleides, erase some code to make it work.  The original work assumed that eukleides produced a LateX file, which then it tried to compile, but, unlike what the plugin expects, eukleides produces postscript directly.

There is anothere program, euktotex that can be used to make the plugin work as intended, but I don't have time to modify it that way.

The menus were a great idea to learn the language.

 I modified it so that it can compile the examples in the eukleides website.

I hope this helps someone.


Attachment: eukleides-example.tm
Description: Binary data

Attachment: tm_eukleides
Description: Binary data

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