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[Texmacs-dev] inline plots in Maxima

From: Bill Eaton
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] inline plots in Maxima
Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 09:12:45 -0700

I'm soliciting for help in getting inline plots working in Maxima. Maybe
there's already a feature that does this. 
I've had some success in getting inline plots working in Python and Octave,
it would also be nice to have them working in Maxima. The process would go
something like this:
   * create plot
   * save plot as eps file
   * call a new ps_out(fname) function to read the eps file
     and display it within TeXmacs document

The last bit could be a Maxima command that looks like this:

I have tried this command from a Maxima session and I get a display of raw
PostScript. The Maxima plugin seems to revolve around a Lisp file.
Regrettably, Lisp is a language I don't speak, so I don't know how to hack
it to get a function working. Algorithms so far have been:
   Octave: Drop a new ps_out.m function file where other plugin function
files are.
           Octave will see this file as one of the things to search when it
           to interpret your command.
   Python: Embed a ps_out() function inside the tm_python file. ps_out is
added to the sessions namespace.

Both techniques are remarkably similar. I don't know how to trick the Maxima
plugin to do the same thing. Any thoughts?

--Bill Eaton 

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