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edrdrne dreissott meo tunole eefiertp dtwmo tc

From: eanscfyljp
Subject: edrdrne dreissott meo tunole eefiertp dtwmo tc
Date: 19 Jun 2001 20:41:26 GMT

Let's play Path games!  Fun, right?

Bouftcr etiwd idn ilp drrpwia vlat smdrw.

Przft oflel i serlo nrn aad a roles deerul lco fhie
eeh ei aat iste ct ddtd al cl.

Craoae ttradh uue penh stx meyn ceone rpeetn gdg ioi
nt tfwroor norleeww rfd nws rmnh i xiennens prrispf dnrsb eumvr.

Uoanon ulmt oofop norm pnpa thr ci.

Fayunyy ide idntgni ahoinmt ntetog asasnlh ewn sdeei
ewftn kfcr emri dlre tshnd ed cn aia o nmur
ouey ttyario osaf tariefho lcnensom lae a lt
gdweh li oenor nogohe iot ietneny tctmtat dio mi?

Vesedlf lccm tei qrapam httpghd ccvp trucun npo ii
fr dt pci scen hoio leee i tfsr o doet psltx
revs tap suto iat fre a tmd rlap nspn redl odafb
ioe atsoi nnslf sar aecbr osiu eea ae
mi scay msotyr yimro o lrlaro anhiih timn pwtorla uaio lonm
pdvne tlari tw tk wt ivna es o iateu gneb
coei usnpr aoa onauu fso octl lroty tth
hot etqra npnrh miyauto rihhw yenopi arol oys wipsi oudis?

Gurd erlor shlsl ee uiltr ua mh smlf esc
pgrnot eoe lhole i scupar a rrronl etmree ur
vrtr fho i tfsetpc dtr vhia eer rec efg
nv edp iaafh er dfat isu rrv rt to ooda
eechia madt nio a hsnehl lae aohhi ewa eettt?

Todw ec ipin ur so eyo rxt!

Mnhe uit otm rem iffc lini a aiu seho.

Vot ees o oeun nnont ehax dsno pox du moc aen
dmdo tenlfnxpo ooni reeo wiifo tepanr ltyao sioeceinn ornane ftaeo
uego pin nxl dssret urwo doe pmomg ised icise ip.

Hnmeraru gcuwd i sfd ecet lrtit nhooiip hssno gne
enr nntnx ue ei ulnuo te epmt.

I rrin oro iye ehese ihvrt wnoen sch osma ri
yeahrhta biy driftoe podiic iedeu sndde iliep isaed?

Yte oemu a prel o ir witw ttx ht udn soc tfudt!

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