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[ToutDoux-list] commotion

From: Emery Briggs
Subject: [ToutDoux-list] commotion
Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2006 13:19:18 +0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

Often, this is caused by the poor quality of the protein preparation used for crystallization trials. Zeit zum Auftanken, Zeit, den Gedanken freien Lauf zu lassen.
Although important biologically, for the structural biologist disordered regions of proteins can be disastrous even preventing successful structure determination.
Obtaining well diffracting crystals is one of the major bottlenecks in the structure-determination pipeline.
anthracis, established and developed HTP cloning and _expression_ technologies and tested HTP pipelines.
Overall, HTP _expression_ screening in E.
Suitable vectors for HTP cloning are described and results from their use in _expression_ screening and protein-production pipelines are reported. The success rate of protein _expression_ and structure solution is at least in keeping with that achieved in structural genomics programs. The technological developments and lessons learned from this project are discussed.
The aim of this workpackage was to increase the throughput of three-dimensional structures while maintaining the high quality of conventional analyses. Data processing and analysis, use of experimental phases and model construction were also addressed, albeit at a lower level. Reports of all actions taken are available for inspection via database modules and web services. Worship ist Lobgesang und Stille Zeit zugleich - besinnlich und anregend.
Suitable vectors for HTP cloning are described and results from their use in _expression_ screening and protein-production pipelines are reported. Here, protocols for a simple, fast and affordable method for transient protein _expression_ in mammalian cells are reported. This SPINE standard sample holder is a modified version, with added features and specifications, of sample holders in common use.
The level of soluble _expression_ for each target was scored according to estimated protein yield.
However, prokaryotic based _expression_ systems fail to generate correctly folded functional forms of many proteins and hence a variety of eukaryotic based _expression_ systems have been developed. Papers on the crystallization of biological molecules will be accepted providing that these focus on new methods or other features that are of general importance or applicability. Development areas were broken down into workpackages and this article gives an overview of ongoing activity in the bioinformatics workpackage.
Papers on crystallographic methods should be oriented towards biological crystallography, and may include new approaches to any aspect of structure determination or analysis.
In general, there was agreement between the different groups as to which targets were not soluble and which were the most soluble.
Surprisingly, this could not be overcome by modifications of the constructs, changes of _expression_ temperature or strain or renaturation. The major emphasis was on molecular-replacement suites, where automation was most advanced.

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