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[tpop3d-discuss] tpop3d 1.3.0

From: Chris Lightfoot
Subject: [tpop3d-discuss] tpop3d 1.3.0
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 01:04:34 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

I have uploaded tpop3d-1.3.0 (testing version) to

This version incorporates Mark's autoconf stuff and Paul's
maildir support, as well as support for a more flexible
mailbox naming strategy (`/var/spool/mail/$(domain)/$(user)')
and a new authenticator (auth_other) which talks to an
external program to support authentication. I've written a
perl module which simplifies writing external
authenticators (you override two methods in an object to
do APOP and USER/PASS authentication), but would welcome
examples from other languages. (Ruby? Scheme? etc. There
is also scripts/nasty, which is The World's Worst Shell
Script; not fit for any purpose whatsoever, and its arse
may catch fire in a low-speed collision. Whatever....)

NB! I do not regard this version as `production quality'
yet. Also, I may have screwed up some of the portability
whilst integrating support for maildir and auth_other.
Please send me bug reports, patches (as well as the
customary adulation ;) ).

Chris Lightfoot --
 Gentlemen! You can't fight in here! This is the War Room!
 (from `Dr. Strangelove')

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