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RE: [tpop3d-discuss] tpop3d v1.4.1pre4

From: Michael Klatsky
Subject: RE: [tpop3d-discuss] tpop3d v1.4.1pre4
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 10:59:58 -0500


Right- I had turned up the debuglevel on my ldap server so I could
locate the object not found. Re the crash when running tpop3d using -v :

virt01# /usr/local/sbin/tpop3d -d -v -f /etc/tpop3d.conf 
listening on address, port 110, domain
quit: signal 11 post_fork = 0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

This I imagine is a separate issue- probably related to something local-
unless others have similar experiences on Solaris.

Re LDAP- what scope search is enabled by default in tpop3d? I usually
use a scope of 2 (sub) which catches everything below the search DN.
That might be the issue- the definition of the search base. I might have
missed it.

Michael Klatsky
Senior Unix Administrator
Connecticut Telephone
1 Talcott Plaza
Hartford, CT 06103

-----Original Message-----
From: Prune [mailto:address@hidden
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 10:48 AM
To: Michael Klatsky
Cc: Chris Lightfoot; address@hidden
Subject: Re: [tpop3d-discuss] tpop3d v1.4.1pre4

Michael Klatsky wrote:

>Hmm...unfortunately, tpop3d crashes when executing with the -v flag:
>Feb 25 10:43:44 virt01 tpop3d[9593]: [ID 702911] listening on
>address, port 110, domain
>Feb 25 10:43:44 virt01 tpop3d[9593]: [ID 702911 mail.error] quit:
>11 post_fork = 0
>I made the corrections to my tpop3d.conf, and I receive similar results
>to my prior post. I'll be happy to post the FULL slapd.log if necessary
>(a couple of hundred lines) in order to help wade through this.
>Thanks again!

As you can see il logs, you have an error in ldap :

Feb 25 10:20:22 virt01[9382]: [ID 137417 local4.debug]
send_ldap_response: msgid=24 tag=101 err=32

I don't remember what error 32 is...
I'll check.
you could set debug mode to something less verbose as follow :
(in your slapd.conf)

# loglevel (see
# -1 enable all debugging
# 0 no debugging
# 1 trace function calls
# 2 debug packet handling
# 4 heavy trace debugging
# 8 connection management
# 16 print out packets sent and received
# 32 search filter processing
# 64 configuration file processing
# 128 access control list processing
# 256 stats log connections/operations/results
# 512 stats log entries sent
# 1024 print communication with shell backends
# 2048 print entry parsing debugging

loglevel 256

256 is fine for this kind of problem.

I found error 32 :
noSuchObject                 (32)
you requested something that does not exist.
It's not a reason for a crash
as asked chris, run your tpop3d as :

./tpop3d -d -v -f /path/to/tpop3d.conf

then we'll see.




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