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[tpop3d-discuss]auth-ldap and mailbox noob question

From: David Wells
Subject: [tpop3d-discuss]auth-ldap and mailbox noob question
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 17:17:10 -0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040618

Hi people of this list! Sorry if this question is answered anywhere else on the list, I've been searching it and couldn't find the answer.

What I'm trying to do is store a user list in an ldap direcory and doing some virtualhosting for a few domains. I'm using the `mail' attribute to store "address@hidden" address and the real uid is in `uid=domain01,ou=People,dc=myrealdomain'. I already have sendmail creating the virtusertable from a query to the ldap directory and if sendmail gets a mail to address@hidden it succesfully stores it in the bsd style mailbox located in /var/spool/mail/domain01.

I have also configured tpop3d to authenticate using "address@hidden" doing:

auth-ldap-filter: (&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(mail=$(local_part)@$(domain)))
auth-ldap-mail-user-attr: uidNumber
auth-ldap-mail-group-attr: gidNumber

My real question is how do I get tpop3d to access the /var/spool/mail/domain01 mailbox using some search of the kind (&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(mail=$(local_part)@$(domain))) which should access the attribute uid and append it to the string "bsd:/var/spool/mail/"

Thanx to all.
David Wells.

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