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Tramp hangs setting up remote shell prompt.

From: David Keegan
Subject: Tramp hangs setting up remote shell prompt.
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 15:12:04 +0100


I'm trying to open a file on a remote RedHat8 Linux host
using tramp in emacs 23.1 using ssh/scp and default settings
running on Fedora13.

Tramp hangs after setting the remote shell prompt. I don't
have the same problem opening a file on a host running

The tramp buffer contains the following:

exec env ENV='' PROMPT_COMMAND='' PS1=\#\$\  PS2='' PS3='' /bin/^M<' 
PROMPT_COMMAND='' PS1=\#\$\  PS2='' PS3='' /bin/s                         
^M^M#$ ^M#$ 

I will be very grateful if someone can explain where the
sequences of spaces and backspaces are coming from. I think
I fixed a similar problem in the past by setting
tramp-initial-commands, but that seems no longer possible
with the current version of tramp.

David Keegan.
[David Keegan address@hidden 353 1 2988743]
[56 Roebuck Downs Dublin 14 IRELAND]

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