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Tramp ready for this echoing shell?

From: 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
Subject: Tramp ready for this echoing shell?
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2019 02:38:57 +0800

Just curious if the already complicated default
tramp-shell-prompt-pattern is ready for a shell with:
ASUS_Z012D:/data/data/org.galexander.sshd/files $ set -o
set -o
Current option settings
allexport      off  keyword        off  notify         off  trackall       off
bgnice         off  login          off  nounset        off  utf8-mode      on
braceexpand    on   markdirs       off  physical       off  verbose        off
emacs          on   monitor        on   pipefail       off  vi             off
errexit        off  noclobber      off  posix          off  vi-esccomplete off
gmacs          off  noexec         off  privileged     off  vi-tabcomplete on
ignoreeof      off  noglob         off  restricted     off  viraw          off
inherit-xtrace on   nohup          on   sh             off  xtrace         off
interactive    on   nolog          off  stdin          on
ASUS_Z012D:/data/data/org.galexander.sshd/files $ set
PS1=$'${|\n\tlocal e=$?\n\n\t(( e )) && REPLY+="$e|"\n\n\treturn 
$e\n}$HOSTNAME:${PWD:-?} $ '
KSH_VERSION='@(#)MIRBSD KSH R54 2016/11/11'
ASUS_Z012D:/data/data/org.galexander.sshd/files $ echo $-
echo $-

(Maybe that is what caused tramp's "exec env..." to loop as mentioned in
my companion message.)

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