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[uracoli-devel] Announcement: Arduino 1.x support

From: Axel Wachtler
Subject: [uracoli-devel] Announcement: Arduino 1.x support
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2012 23:16:21 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110922 Thunderbird/3.1.15

Hallo all,

the Arduino support package is initially building with revision a8013842132c.

It contains now 1 core "uracoli" and 3 variants (radiofaro, zigbit24, zigbit09). Zigduino will follow in the next days.

Known issues:

 - The pins_arduino.h files needs definitely testing and debugging.
 - an Arduino bootloader missing for mega1281.
 - Docu and GPL/LGPL and FreeBSD license files are missing +
   clarification which part of the package is under which license
 - A copy of arscons will be added (this makes testing of sketches
   really a fast experience, in opposite to the Arduino GUI which
   compiles always all files, scons knows about the dependencies).

How to create and install?

   * hg pull -u # get version after default:a8013842132c
   * cd uracoli
   * scons parduino # build the zip file
   * unzip install/uracoli-arduino-cvs20120413.zip in your sketchbook   
     and select one of the uracoli cores and compile on of the
     examples/Radio/*/*.ino sketches.

Cheers, Axel

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