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Re: GC in GNU-Prolog?

Subject: Re: GC in GNU-Prolog?
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 09:22:14 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.12i

Daniel Diaz <address@hidden>:

> There is no GC currently in GNU Prolog. However, we started a collaboration 
> with another research team to implement a GC. I hope it will be available 
> around february 2001.

Are there any thoughts on the problem which I mentioned earlier
concerning atoms/strings?

References to atoms can be passed to C code, and there is no mechanism
for discovering whether they are still in use, so all atoms have to be
stored forever, which means they cannot reasonably be used as strings
in a long-running application, but the alternative of using a list of
chars/codes is much less efficient in many cases.


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