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AGAIN: non-determinist foreign predicate + cut

From: Jorge Marques Pelizzoni
Subject: AGAIN: non-determinist foreign predicate + cut
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 12:20:44 -0300

Sorry but I was silly enough to ask the following question without having subscribed to this discussion list. If there have been answers, could someone please forward them to me?
Grateful and ashamed,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 12:22 PM
Subject: non-determinist foreign predicate + cut

Hi! I´m new to Gnu Prolog and have a doubt I couldn´t sort out in the doc: what exactly happens in proving ´c_predicate1´ below:
        c_predicate1(X) :- nondet_c_predicate(X), !.
supposing ´nondet_c_predicate´ is a non-deterministic foreign predicate? 
If ´nondet_c_predicate´ succeeds, will the engine, upon bactracking, ´secretly´ exhaust the additional instances till the implementation triggers No_More_Choice? If not, this seems to make it quite awkward for a foreign predicate to handle dynamic structures [some structure could (i) be built when Get_Choice_Counter() == 0, (ii) have its address stored in the choice buffer and (iii) be finally freed just before No_More_Choice()].
One fine solution to this problem would be to provide a foreign/2 option defining a C abort function for the foreign predicate, which would only be called in the event of a cut, being thus able to access the choice buffer and perform any necessary clean-up. Do we have anything of this sort? Have you got any other way round this problem?
P.S.: I take the trouble because I think Gnu Prolog provides the best Prolog-to-C interface ever.

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