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RE: Hi to this list and some issues.

From: Detlef Sax
Subject: RE: Hi to this list and some issues.
Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 05:35:01 +0200 (CEST)

On 30-May-2002 Manuel Gutierrez Algaba wrote:
> Hi,
>       I'm new to this list and I'm retaking prolog, after many years.
> I'm the maintainer of Crosswords for Linux (, and 
> I've been searching for a crossword generators, but all I've found are 
> SWI-compatible and I can't run them on gprolog. 
> a) Is there any way of loading libraries or something to make them run ?

It's not quite difficult to implement a predicate to load prolog
libraries from SWI, or even also nice, from Ciao Prolog. But the
also not unsolvable problem is, that the predicates itself, if they
are extensions to the ISO standard, are different.

Someone, in the case the one who ask for it, may write some
wrappers. And this is a question of availabel time for the one who
like to spend his time for the job.

> Besides, I'm trying to do a bit of string processing, but since I'm new to 
> the language and the documentation I have is very spartan , I can't guess how
> to :
> b) Having these facts: 
>    def ( IP , ' Internet Protocol').
>    def ( ICMP, ' RFC 792,  part of the IP protocol).
>  Considering that IP is a defined term and it's present in the definition of 
> another term, I'd like to generate the facts:
>   related(ICMP, IP).

At this time and in this stage IP and ICMP are unbound variables ;-)
>  I do need string functions. 
> c) I'd like to have more gprolog program examples.
And you may like some introduction in Prolog itself, because
gprolog as also the other GPL'ed Prolog implementations are shipped
with very good documentations but cannot cover the basics of language.

So I like to invite you to my small link collection about prolog:

and there are two example programs at:


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