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Re: saving, restoring prolog state in binary form

From: Salvador Abreu
Subject: Re: saving, restoring prolog state in binary form
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 10:22:00 +0100

Mayuresh <address@hidden> wrote:

> I am trying to save the state of prolog for use in a subsequent
> session.
> Such requirement arises while trying to use prolog in forward chaining
> mode where inferences drawn are to be asserted as facts for future
> use.
> > But is there any way the prolog state could be saved and restored in
> > binary form? Guess, this could make the store/load operations much
> > faster than the above approach.

This kind of approach doesn't really suit GNU Prolog, which is
essentially a native compiler system; you'd be better off producing your
clauses (assertz/1 is ok for this purpose), outputting them to a .pl
file (listing/1 will do), compiling that file separately and building a
new executable, which would then be used as the next "initial state".

Avoid using consult in GNU Prolog; compile (externally) with gplc:
you're likely to see very significant performance gains.


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