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Re: Atom table full

From: Vic Bancroft
Subject: Re: Atom table full
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 20:33:25 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080226)

JCK wrote:
I'm getting an "Atom table full" error. Admittedly, I do not know much about the atom table, I didn't even know there was one until I found out mine was full. I read a post in the archives concerning this which stated that: it was planned in the future to have an atom table without limitations (which I don't think has been done since I'm getting this message); and the only way to change the limit was to modify the code and recompile.
Are you running on a 32 bit operating system ? What version of mysql are you using ?
The thing is I'm quite sure I don't need that many atoms, the portion of my code that seems to be the culprit is a loop which reads in data (from mysql), processes the data and writes data back (to mysql). I was running into problems with stack size, so instead of looping recursively, I used a 'repeat' which seemed to have improved my stack issues but then I got "Atom Table Full'. I think it's just looping so many times that any number of atoms that get created and not destroyed will eventually fill the table. I even exit the 'repeat' loop every X number of loops (in hopes of cleaning thing up), and then re-enter the 'repeat' loop.
That sounds like an appropriate way to deal with a database, though there seems to be some dangling reference. Can you post your code or a test case that replicates the problem ?
I have no need for backtracking during this portion of the code and have no need for the data after a loop is completed (it's in mysql). So I guess my question is:

(1) is there anyway of clearing the atoms that won't be used again from table? (2) there's nowhere in the loop where a huge number of atoms are created. The only place I can think of there being atoms created is after SQL calls when I'm converting and putting the data into prolog variables. Is there anyone else who's had this problem found a culprit which is known for creating lots of atoms?
(3) Any suggestions are welcome.
I have not used mysql from gprolog for a while, but am interested in it's proper operation.

My system is a linux x86_64 platform, running GNU Prolog 1.3.0 and mysql-5.0.27, so perhaps we can see if the situation can replicated here . . .


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-- William Gibson, quoted by Whitfield Diffie

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