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CLPSE 2009: 2nd CFP (extended deadline)

From: Paulo Moura
Subject: CLPSE 2009: 2nd CFP (extended deadline)
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 12:32:49 +0100

(apologies for duplicates of this message)

                           CALL FOR PAPERS

                             CLPSE 2009
                   4th International Workshop on
      (Constraint) Logic Programming and Software Engineering
                             July, 2009
      Satellite event of ICLP 2009, Pasadena, California, USA


Topics of interest

This workshop aims at discussing and exchanging experience in software
engineering topics related to developing, documenting, testing,
porting, evaluating, and maintaining large-scale (constraint) logic
programming applications. Experience backed up by industrial
applications and their evaluation will be given preference, as well
as descriptions of work in progress in that direction.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

* Experiences in developing and maintaining large-scale logic
programming applications.
* Experiences in porting applications.
* Development of portable libraries and code reuse.
* Integrated development environments for logic programming.
* Multi-paradigm applications.
* Embedded logic programming applications.
* Security issues in logic programming applications.
* Processes and software design methodologies.
* Design patterns in logic programming development.
* Metrics for logic programming development and applications.
* Implementation of domain specific languages.
* Software specification and automatic software generation.
* Rapid industrial prototyping using logic programming.
* Logic programming in network and infrastructure services.
* Logic programming based service oriented architectures.
* Logic programming in enterprise architectures.
* Integrating logic programming and databases.
* Systems interoperability using logic programming.
* Legacy re-engineering using logic programming.
* Implementing complex business rules using logic programming.

Authors who are interested in taking part in the workshop, but are
unsure if their work falls within its scope, are invited to contact
the workshop coordinators.

Workshop Goals

Our intent is to bring together, in an informal setting, people
involved both in research and in industrial work. We hope that
the workshop will provide a meeting point for people working on
software engineering topics in the context of large-scale
(constraint) logic programming applications.


This workshop continues a tradition of successful workshops on
(Constraint) Logic Programming and Software Engineering, previously
held in London (2000), Paphos (2001), and Copenhagen (2002).

Submission Information

Authors are invited to submit regular papers, position papers, or
short papers written in English and formatted using the LNCS LaTeX
style ( Regular papers should
not exceed 15 pages. Position papers and short papers should not
exceed 5 pages.

Regular papers should describe original unpublished research or
industrial work relevant to the topics of the workshop. Position
papers should present new ideas, vision statements, new research
directions, or advocate out-of-the-box approaches to know problems.
Short papers can be used to describe ongoing work, research project
overviews, talk abstracts, or application notes.

Paper submission is performed through EasyChair using the URL

At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to register
and attend the workshop to present the paper. Regular papers and
position papers will be presented and discussed in time slots of
20+10 minutes. Short papers will be presented and discussed in
time slots of 10+5 minutes.

Important Dates

Submission deadline:     April 19 (extended)
Notification of authors: May 18
Camera-ready copy due:   June 1
Workshop:                TBA (one day in July 14-17)


Program Committee

Salvador Abreu   (University of Évora, Portugal)
Mats Carlsson    (Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden)
Gopal Gupta      (University of Texas at Dallas, U.S.A)
Kung-Kiu Lau     (University of Manchester, U.K.)
Arun Majumdar    (Vivomind Intelligence Inc., U.S.A)
Paulo Moura      (CRACS - INESC Porto and University of Beira
Interior, Portugal)
Ulrich Neumerkel (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
António Porto    (University of Porto, Portugal)
Tom Schrijvers   (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
Joachim Schimpf  (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia)
Terrance Swift   (CENTRIA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
Péter Szeredi    (Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
Paul Tarau       (University of North Texas, U.S.A)
Walter G. Wilson (Systems Development and Analysis, U.S.A)

Workshop Coordinators

Paulo Moura
Ulrich Neumerkel

Please address any question regarding the workshop organization to
the address clpse2009 =at=


We expect to make the informal workshop proceedings available on-line
at the Computing Research Repository (
after the workshop. An electronic copy will be distributed during
the workshop.

Paulo Jorge Lopes de Moura, PhD
Assistant Professor
Dep. of Computer Science, University of Beira Interior
6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal

Office 3.18  Ext. 3276
Phone: +351 275319891 Fax: +351 275319899
Email: <mailto:address@hidden>

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