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Previous bad address: 0x0 problem...RESOLVED but not SOLVED

From: Sean Charles
Subject: Previous bad address: 0x0 problem...RESOLVED but not SOLVED
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 21:11:44 +0000

I went back for another look:

gpredis_stringify(X,Y) :- is_list(X), format_to_codes(Y, ‘~s~', [X]).

Notice the trailing “~” in the format string, I intended it to be a newline so that’s a very good indication of where in the source code to have a look I guess!  I removed the ~ and everything is fine. I replaced it with the ~n too, again, no problems.

I managed to play and reduce it to the smallest piece of code I could make reproduce the problem:

| ?- format_to_codes(Buf,'~s~',["bang"]).

Fatal Error: Segmentation Violation (bad address: 0x0)


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