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Re: Retaining Vile 'state' over close/open?

From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: Re: Retaining Vile 'state' over close/open?
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2022 20:41:48 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.10.1 (2018-07-13)

On Tue, Jan 04, 2022 at 10:27:39AM -0500, George Eccles wrote:
> I am currently using vile 9.7 32-bit.  (It does what I need, and 9.81(?)
> seemed to change the 'go to mark' in a way that I couldn't figure out, so I
> just stuck.)
> Anyway, on my new(er) Win10 PC, the 'hibernate' function is not available,
> b/c the SSD is too small.  The next best option would be to just 'shutdown'
> the PC.  Most other programs (eg, Excel, Firefox, etc) that I use all retain
> their 'state'(?) when closed: when you resume, they come back to where you
> were.  Vile (9.7) does not: I need to re-open whatever files I was using,
> set new marks, etc.
> So, my question: has this behavior been changed in subsequent versions; or,
> is there some way I'm not aware of to preserve the 'state'(?) of Vile over a
> close/re-open?

no - I've not changed that.  For recently-opened files, I use this
feature, which lets winvile remember up to 20 files and folders in
the registry:

     * a "Recent Files" menu that lists the last N files opened/created by
       the editor. Any file selected from this list is immediately opened for
       editing. This feature is disabled by default, but can be configured
       via the "recent-files" mode.
     * a "Recent Folders" menu that lists the last N folders visited via an
       explicit or implicit cd. Selecting a folder from this list is
       equivalent to executing ":cd <foldername>". This feature is disabled
       by default, but can be configured via the "recent-folders" mode.

Thomas E. Dickey <>

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