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Hurd installation guide

From: Felix Schmid
Subject: Hurd installation guide
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 21:10:43 +0200


I am quite familiar with installing and using other OSes (div. Linux distros, *BSD).

I was not able to get the Hurd installed on my first try. This is most likely
due to the absence of a useful installation guide. The link to Neal Walfield's guide
has been dead for a while.
However, I found the installation guide on the CD image (K3). A little more helpful, but only a little...the link in section 4 (cross install) ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/hurd/contrib/marcus/gnu-latest.tar.gz
 is also dead :(
What's going on here?

It would be very helpful if these issues would be addressed...


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