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[XBoard-devel] Re: [Bug-XBoard] Winboard bugs

From: Daniel Mehrmann
Subject: [XBoard-devel] Re: [Bug-XBoard] Winboard bugs
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2004 02:02:51 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7a) Gecko/20040124

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Tim Mann wrote:

That bring me on another old idea from me, discussed with Dieter
(Yace-Author), that we are put a real move generator into
XBoard/Winboard to check the moves. My old plan was to backport a
"light version" of my own generator from my engine Homer to X/Winboard.
It's a 0x88 and have less code. It would be not so difficult do that :)

| It's not WinBoard's job to catch violations of the rules by the engines.
| They are assumed to know the rules.  WinBoard just makes a preliminary
| (and as you've noticed, incomplete) test that you haven't made an
| illegal move before sending it to the engine.  It also happens to catch
| most illegal moves from the engine too, but not all.  The test is
| especially loose for castling and en passant.
| We could modify WinBoard to test exactingly for legal moves from
| engines, and we may do that in the future.  However, there's nothing
| that WinBoard could really do about that other than declare the game a
| forfeit in your favor.  An engine can hardly be smart enough to deal
| with some other program telling it "no, that move is illegal -- think
| again."  :-)

- --
Daniel Mehrmann
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