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Re: [XBoard-devel] Polyglot 2.0,

From: Michel Van den Bergh
Subject: Re: [XBoard-devel] Polyglot 2.0,
Date: Tue, 01 Sep 2009 01:52:17 +0900
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

The crucial patch I put in made to 1.4.38b to create
"Polyglot 2.0.38b" is the one that allows it to save the current settings
back to the polyglot.ini file.

I told you I was working on saving but was busy at the time and that it would take
a couple of weeks. You told me there was no hurry. Meanwhile my version
also does saving and I think in  a better way than yours.

Ever since the X version WB has always contained PG specific code, by reason of the fact that
PG is necessary for the great majority of the engines that are used with
WB. So it is not just some ordinary adapter. How about creating the polyglot_1st.in and polyglot_2nd.ini files. Is that not PG specific code? Even using polyglot to run UCI engines is polyglot
specific code.

I takes only one or two lines of code to filter out all the Polyglot options giving a functionality
equivalent to WB 4.3.15.  As said I was not forced to export the Polyglot
options. It actually took a fair amount of rewriting to do it in a nice way. It seems
I should not have bothered.

You want a veto over the options that PG exports. Whenever somebody
has an idea for an option that might be useful he has submit it to you
for approval whether it can be exported or not.  I wish you good luck
finding people that want to cooperate under such conditions.

Anyway you set your mind to forking PG but you cannot call it 2.0.38b. That
would be completely dishonest. When people fork they do not grab a random version slap a patch onto it and bump the version number. I have never heard of such a thing. Call
it 1.4.38hgm since that is what it is.


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