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[XBoard-devel] Bunch 'o Patches.

From: Joshua Pettus
Subject: [XBoard-devel] Bunch 'o Patches.
Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2015 10:23:43 -0400

Hi Harm,

I tried to send this to you directly, but, for whatever reason, it looks like 
the message gets lost in the void.  It’s part of the reason why there are so 
many patches. ;)

I have been a little busy and made a bunch of fixes for the OSX build portion 
I’d like in for 4.8.1

The first is the Man and Info page changes to launch through Apple script.  If 
you recall I mentioned that I moved infoProc to gtk/xboard.c so I could use the 
dataDir stuff there.

Attachment: Man+InfoFix.patch
Description: Binary data

Next, to simplify the build process a little bit, and avoid a possible error, I 
decided to change the way pango is included in the bundle.  Before I used a 
special variant that had the pango modules built into the pango libs.   As I 
was setting up macports again on the 10.6 VirtualMachine, I forgot that.  Now 
that I know more about how it works, it isn’t really necessary to use a special 
variant here.

Attachment: PangoFix.patch
Description: Binary data

Next is some changes to the output OSX master conf file.  Mostly puts it back 
more in line with the original.   I shouldn’t have used an ip address for FICS. 
Also it implements the uxiadapter for UCI2WB

Attachment: conf.patch
Description: Binary data

Then with the update to gtk-mac-integration library, he changed the name to 
gtkmacintegration-gtk2 to differentiate from gtk-3 I guess…  A pain but here is 
a fix for compiling.

Attachment: gtk2i_name_update.patch
Description: Binary data

Also with the gtk-mac-integration library update fixes osx localization for the 
App menu. So we don’t need to include separate string folders in our source 
code.  So I removed them and have the build script pull from the system 
installed directory.  If you could also remove the osxapp/osx-localization 
folder itself.  That would be very helpful.  I couldn’t figure out how to do it 
with diff.

Attachment: gtk2i_locale_update.patch
Description: Binary data

Finally I decided to use the Mac theme in the GIMP bundle which also uses GPL 
v3.  It’s better then the one before in that there is no pixbuffs going on, and 
is a lot less complicated.  Still looks better then default, so thats good.  As 
a result, I had to reimplement the gtk-murrine engine, but that’s no biggie.  
Be sure to put this patch on last.  I must have created it when I had some of 
the other patches applied.  Else it will fail... :(

Attachment: gtk_mac_theme.patch
Description: Binary data

Thanks a lot! and Best Wishes,

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