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Re: [xougen] Regarding server side widgets

From: weigelt
Subject: Re: [xougen] Regarding server side widgets
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2003 14:32:10 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.27i

On Sat, Aug 30, 2003 at 05:23:46PM -0700, David Ross wrote:

> I absolutely agree that what should be compiled should only be what is
> needed, and/or only what is needed should be loaded.  Similar to the
> Linux method of configuration for compilation and for the modules too.

> But what I have read about imake vs. the GNU Autotools is that imake is
> not very flexible in this regard.  
Automake + friends make the situation even worse (as I already stated).

> Perhaps we need to add another level/layer of abstraction on top of imake?
No, what we need is an build system where we describe the structure of
our software on the highest level possible. We just write down which 
modules our software consists of an from which sources the modules 
will be generated. The rest (even all compiler handling, platform 
specific stuff, etc) will be done by the build system and hidden from 
the application developer.

I'd suggest forking off this topic from this list, since it is interesting
for many other projects too. 

I'm already coping with this topic for some while, so I'd also offer
to create an list for it at my site.

 Enrico Weigelt    ==   metux ITS 
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