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Should #include "config.h" be forbidden?

From: Stepan Kasal
Subject: Should #include "config.h" be forbidden?
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 16:49:48 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

  the autoconf manual explains that one has to use #include <config.h>,
because the source dir could contain a stale config.h.

I don't think this assumption is reasonable.  Normally, the source directory
may not be configured.  (Yes, there are exceptions, for example when cross
building texinfo, but they are rare.)

I suggest to change that paragraph; see the patch attached to this mail.

OK to commit?

Have a nice day,

Attachment: autoconf-20050630-doc-config-h.patch
Description: Text document

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