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Re: comment sources

From: Daniel Reed
Subject: Re: comment sources
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 10:07:55 -0500 (EST)

On 2003-12-15T01:55-0500, Bob Lockie wrote:
) My guess is that the suffixes are unknown (the .cpp and .ui files are
) commented out but the .h files are not).
) $ automake --version
) automake (GNU automake) 1.6.3

I do not seem to be able to reproduce using automake 1.7.8.
        bin_PROGRAMS = arson

        # which sources should be compiled for arson
        arson_SOURCES = \
        _burnerpager1.ui \ \
        _burnerpager3.cpp \
        bin_PROGRAMS = arson

        # which sources should be compiled for arson
        arson_SOURCES = \
        _burnerpager1.ui \ \
        _burnerpager3.cpp \

        subdir = .

There are no rules related to _burnerpager1.*, but _burngerpager[2-4].o are
set to be generated through implicit rules (.cc and .cpp both use CXXCOMPILE
and .c uses COMPILE).

Daniel Reed <address@hidden>
"Real computer scientists like having a computer on their desk, else
how could they read their mail?"

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