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integration of perl with automake

From: Andreas Otto
Subject: integration of perl with automake
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 12:59:39 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.10.3 (Linux/; KDE/4.1.3; x86_64; ; )


  to build a perl extension it's best to use the perl build-system based on

        perl Makefile.PL

   the command create a Makefile in the same directory of Makefile.PL self
   and in the toplefel-position "perlmsgque/Makefile".
   I can use this makefile in an automake build environment using

        SUBDIRS += perlmsgque

   from the toplevel

  now the problem. a "make clean" clean the file perlmsgque/Makefile. this
  is coded in the "Makefile.PL" create Makefile

  1.   I need automake code to check if "perlmsgque/Makefile" is avilable
        and build this makefile again if missing (after make clean) or extend
        the toplevel Makefile to do a 
                (cd perlmsgque;perl Makefile.PL)
        after all "make clean" was done

  2. related to this problem Is the initial build of the "perlmsgque/Makefile"
        currently I use the autoconf to do the "perl Makefile.PL" but I thing
        it should be better done on need in the toplevel makefile.

I hope this is not to complicated

-> thanks for help



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