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question about having documentation output NOT be cleaned...

From: Ed Hartnett
Subject: question about having documentation output NOT be cleaned...
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2010 11:15:34 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.3 (gnu/linux)

Howdy all!

I am maintaining a free software package called netCDF, which provided
array-oriented data access for Earth scientists. I use automake to build

But one little problem is in the documentation directory. Most of our
documentation come from .texi files, but we all have some man pages, and
some of the files are generated from source code using the m4

We also generate documentation in post-script, text-only, and html.

We don't want all this to happen when the user builds netcdf, so I have
a line in the

# These files will be included with the dist.
EXTRA_DIST = netcdf.m4 $(pdf_docs) $(html_mans) $(txt_docs) $(dvi_docs) \
$(ps_docs) $(info_docs) $(html_docs) netcdf_f77.3

So when the user builds netcdf, all the documentation is already built,
and that works fine.

The problem is, if the user does "make clean" the documentation is
deleted, even though I have no clean target in the (which is
appeneded in full).

So how do I tell automake that I don't want it to delete my
documentation? I thought that putting it in the extra_dist would mean
that it would not be cleaned...

Any help appreciated...



## This is a automake file, part of Unidata's netCDF package.
# Copyright 2005-2006, see the COPYRIGHT file for more information.
# This file builds the netcdf documentation.

# The "all" target does nothing in this directory. The "dist" target
# *does* build the documentation, because the distribution contains
# all of the built documentation.

# The "install" target installs the documentation in a directory
# called $(prefix)/doc/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).

# $Id:,v 1.34 2010/01/19 15:03:38 ed Exp $

# These are the source files for all the netcdf manuals.
info_TEXINFOS = netcdf.texi netcdf-install.texi netcdf-c.texi           \
netcdf-f77.texi netcdf-f90.texi netcdf-cxx.texi netcdf-tutorial.texi    

# Get lists of the coresponding ps, info, and pdf files.
html_docs = ${info_TEXINFOS:.texi=.html} 
html_dirs = ${info_TEXINFOS:.texi=} 
ps_docs = ${} 
dvi_docs = ${info_TEXINFOS:.texi=.dvi} 
pdf_docs = ${info_TEXINFOS:.texi=.pdf}
info_docs= ${}
txt_docs= ${info_TEXINFOS:.texi=.txt}

# These are html versions of the man pages.
html_mans = ncdump-man-1.html ncgen-man-1.html netcdf_f77-man.html      \
netcdf-man-3.html netcdf_f90-man.html ncgen3-man-1.html

# These files will be included with the dist.
EXTRA_DIST = netcdf.m4 $(pdf_docs) $(html_mans) $(txt_docs) $(dvi_docs) \
$(ps_docs) $(info_docs) $(html_docs) netcdf_f77.3

doc_DATA = $(pdf_docs) $(html_mans) $(txt_docs) $(ps_docs)      \
$(info_docs) $(html_docs)

# These are lists of the source code which will be inserted into the
# netCDF Tutorial. Note that the tutorial always contains info about
# all 4 APIs, not just the ones that are installed.
c_examples = simple_xy_wr.c simple_xy_rd.c sfc_pres_temp_wr.c           \
sfc_pres_temp_rd.c pres_temp_4D_wr.c pres_temp_4D_rd.c simple_nc4_wr.c  \
simple_nc4_rd.c simple_xy_nc4_wr.c simple_xy_nc4_rd.c
f77_examples = simple_xy_wr.f simple_xy_rd.f sfc_pres_temp_wr.f \
sfc_pres_temp_rd.f pres_temp_4D_wr.f pres_temp_4D_rd.f          \
simple_xy_nc4_wr.f simple_xy_nc4_rd.f
f90_examples = simple_xy_wr.f90 simple_xy_rd.f90 sfc_pres_temp_wr.f90   \
sfc_pres_temp_rd.f90 pres_temp_4D_wr.f90 pres_temp_4D_rd.f90            \
simple_xy_nc4_wr.f90 simple_xy_nc4_rd.f90 simple_xy_par_wr.f90          \
cxx_examples = simple_xy_wr.cpp simple_xy_rd.cpp sfc_pres_temp_wr.cpp   \
sfc_pres_temp_rd.cpp pres_temp_4D_wr.cpp pres_temp_4D_rd.cpp            
cdl_examples = simple_xy.cdl sfc_pres_temp.cdl pres_temp_4D.cdl

# All the documents depend on defines.texi for some common
# definitions.
netcdf_TEXINFOS = defines.texi
netcdf_install_TEXINFOS = defines.texi
netcdf_c_TEXINFOS = defines.texi
netcdf_f77_TEXINFOS = defines.texi
netcdf_f90_TEXINFOS = defines.texi
netcdf_cxx_TEXINFOS = defines.texi
#netcdf_cxx4_TEXINFOS = defines.texi
netcdf_tutorial_TEXINFOS = defines.texi ${c_examples} ${f77_examples}   \
${f90_examples} ${cxx_examples} ${cdl_examples}

# Get texi2dvi to shut the hell up, and work better for parallel
# builds. The --tidy option may be useful getting parallel builds to
# work someday.
TEXI2DVI = texi2dvi -s 

# Turn off parallel builds in this directory.

# To build documentation you must have M4 in their path.

# Rule to generate the text copies of the documentation.
        makeinfo -o $*.txt --no-headers $(srcdir)/$<

# Generate the HTML version of the netcdf-3 C man page.
netcdf-man-3.html: $(top_srcdir)/libsrc/netcdf.3
        groff -man -Thtml $? > $@

# Generate the HTML version of the netcdf-3 F77 man page.
netcdf_f77.3: netcdf.m4
        m4 $(M4FLAGS) $(ARGS_MANPAGE) $? >$@ || rm $@

netcdf_f77-man.html: netcdf_f77.3
        groff -man -Thtml $? > $@

# Generate the HTML version of the netcdf-3 F90 man page.
netcdf_f90-man.html: $(top_srcdir)/f90/netcdf_f90.3
        groff -man -Thtml $? > $@

# Generate the HTML version of the ncgen man page.
ncgen-man-1.html: $(top_srcdir)/ncgen/ncgen.1
        groff -man -Thtml $? > $@

# Generate the HTML version of the ncgen3 man page.
ncgen3-man-1.html: $(top_srcdir)/ncgen3/ncgen3.1
        groff -man -Thtml $? > $@

# Generate the HTML version of the ncdump man page.
ncdump-man-1.html: $(top_srcdir)/ncdump/ncdump.1
        groff -man -Thtml $? > $@

# Copy C examples to this directory.
        sed -e 's/{/@{/' -e 's/}/@}/' $(top_srcdir)/examples/C/$@ > $@

# Copy F77 examples to this directory.
        sed -e 's/{/@{/' -e 's/}/@}/' $(top_srcdir)/examples/F77/$@ > $@

# Copy F90 examples to this directory.
        sed -e 's/{/@{/' -e 's/}/@}/' $(top_srcdir)/examples/F90/$@ > $@

# Copy CXX examples to this directory.
        sed -e 's/{/@{/' -e 's/}/@}/' $(top_srcdir)/examples/CXX/$@ > $@

# Copy CDL examples to this directory.
        sed -e 's/{/@{/' -e 's/}/@}/' $(top_srcdir)/examples/CDL/$@ > $@

-I$(srcdir) netcdf.texi

-I$(srcdir) netcdf-install.texi

-I$(srcdir) netcdf-c.texi

-I$(srcdir) netcdf-f77.texi

-I$(srcdir) netcdf-cxx.texi

# netcdf-cxx4.html:
-I$(srcdir) netcdf-cxx4.texi

-I$(srcdir) netcdf-f90.texi

-I$(srcdir) netcdf-tutorial.texi

# This builds the docs from source, if necessary, and tars up
# everything needed for the website. Run this and copy the resulting
# tarball to the /contents/netcdf/docs directory to update the on-line
# docs.
web-tarball: $(pdf_docs) $(html_mans) $(txt_docs) $(dvi_docs) $(ps_docs) 
$(info_docs) $(html_docs)
        tar cf netcdf_info.tar *.info*
        gzip -f netcdf_info.tar
        zip netcdf_info *.info
        tar cf netcdf_pdf.tar *.pdf
        gzip -f netcdf_pdf.tar
        zip netcdf_pdf *.pdf
        tar cf netcdf_html.tar *.html $(html_dirs)
        gzip -f netcdf_html.tar
        zip netcdf_html *.html $(html_dirs)
        tar cf netcdf_txt.tar *.txt
        gzip -f netcdf_txt.tar
        zip netcdf_txt *.txt
        cp $(top_srcdir)/ncdump/ncdump.1 .
        cp $(top_srcdir)/ncgen/ncgen.1 .
        cp $(top_srcdir)/ncgen3/ncgen3.1 .
        cp $(top_srcdir)/libsrc/netcdf.3 .
        cp $(top_srcdir)/fortran/netcdf_f77.3 .
        cp $(top_srcdir)/f90/netcdf_f90.3 .
        tar cf netcdf_man.tar netcdf.3 netcdf_f77.3 netcdf_f90.3 ncdump.1 
ncgen.1 ncgen3.1
        gzip -f netcdf_man.tar
        zip netcdf_man netcdf.3 netcdf_f77.3 netcdf_f90.3 ncdump.1 ncgen.1 
        tar cf netcdf_docs.tar $(html_dirs) *.pdf *.txt *.html *.tar.gz *.zip 
        gzip -f netcdf_docs.tar

Ed Hartnett  -- address@hidden

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