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Re: Setup for a project with autotools so resulting executables can see

From: Jamil Egdemir
Subject: Re: Setup for a project with autotools so resulting executables can see required binary files?
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 12:10:26 -0400

Simon and Diego,  

Your assistance was most helpful.  Just to follow up I am posting my
modifications to the code I was working on in case anyone else has the
same question:

To allegro-learning/src/

stargatedir = $(datadir)/stargate
stargate_DATA = stargate.bmp
stargate_SOURCES = stargate.c
stargate_CFLAGS = $(ALLEGRO_CFLAGS) -DPKGDATADIR=\"$(stargatedir)\"

To stargate.c I added the following:

#include <stdio.h>

// for nice string concatenation:
#define Sasprintf(write_to,  ...) {           \
    char *tmp_string_for_extend = (write_to); \
    asprintf(&(write_to), __VA_ARGS__);       \
    free(tmp_string_for_extend);              \

char* addImageBaseDir(char* filename) {
  char *abspath = NULL;
  Sasprintf(abspath, PKGDATADIR);
  Sasprintf(abspath, "%s%s%s", abspath, "/", "stargate.bmp");
  return abspath;

and now I replace the original,

stargate = load_bitmap("stargate.bmp", NULL);


stargate = load_bitmap(addImageBaseDir("stargate.bmp"), NULL)

and building with autotools now works just fine.  All the files land in
the proper location and through the macro the paths are available to the

Thanks again!

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