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Re: autoreconf 2.53 does not handle three levels of configure.ac

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: Re: autoreconf 2.53 does not handle three levels of configure.ac
Date: 05 Apr 2002 11:42:37 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Common Lisp)

| autoreconf scans configure.ac files for AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS and adds the
| directory to the list of directories to recusively run autoreconf
| in. Unforuntaley, when the subdir is decended into and
| AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS is discovered, the current directory is not
| prepended onto the subdir name - resultsing in failure. Therefore
| something like:
| |-configure.ac
| |-foo
|     |configure.ac
|     |bar
|        |configure.ac
| results in autoreconf trying to run autoconf in ".", "foo" and "bar"
| instead of "foo/bar"
| The following patch solves the problem and should work under windows as well.
| Index: autoreconf.in
| ===================================================================
| RCS file: /cvsroot/autoconf/autoconf/bin/autoreconf.in,v
| retrieving revision 1.91
| diff -c -r1.91 autoreconf.in
| *** autoreconf.in     3 Apr 2002 10:53:56 -0000       1.91
| --- autoreconf.in     4 Apr 2002 17:44:00 -0000
| ***************
| *** 312,317 ****
| --- 312,319 ----
|     my $uses_libtool;
|     my $uses_autoheader;
|     my @subdir;
| +   my $on_win = ($^O =~ /mswin/i);
| +   my $path_sep = $on_win ? '\\' : '/';
|     my $traces = new Autom4te::XFile
|       ("$autoconf"
|        . join (' --trace=', '',
| ***************
| *** 338,344 ****
|         if (-d)
|       {
|         verbose "$configure_ac: subdirectory $_ to autoreconf";
| !       push @ARGV, $_;
|       }
|         else
|       {
| --- 340,346 ----
|         if (-d)
|       {
|         verbose "$configure_ac: subdirectory $_ to autoreconf";
| !       push @ARGV, $directory . $path_sep  . $_;
|       }
|         else
|       {

Thanks.  I'm applying this instead:

Index: ChangeLog
from  Akim Demaille  <address@hidden>

        * bin/autoreconf.in (autoreconf): Be sure to accumulate the
        directories when descending in a SUBDIRS.
        Reported by Ezra Peisach.

Index: bin/autoreconf.in
RCS file: /cvsroot/autoconf/autoconf/bin/autoreconf.in,v
retrieving revision 1.91
diff -u -u -r1.91 autoreconf.in
--- bin/autoreconf.in 3 Apr 2002 10:53:56 -0000 1.91
+++ bin/autoreconf.in 5 Apr 2002 09:42:09 -0000
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@
       if (-d)
          verbose "$configure_ac: subdirectory $_ to autoreconf";
-         push @ARGV, $_;
+         push @ARGV, catfile ($directory, $_);

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