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spurious readline warning

From: Robert Vasvari
Subject: spurious readline warning
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 09:50:37 -0700 (PDT)

Hi, I checked the mailing list, did not find any
references to this:
The latest version of readline prints this warning
when bash is invoked without a terminal:
readline: warning: rl_prep_terminal: cannot get
terminal setting
This warning is not necessary, since it is totally
legit to run a shell in the background without a

[myhost:~]% ssh localhost "sh -i"
bozo@localhost's password: 
sh: no job control in this shell
readline: warning: rl_prep_terminal: cannot get
terminal settingssh-2.05a$ 

This warning is unnecessary and it kills all scripts
that parse shell output!! Therefore, I think it should
be eliminated.


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