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Virus warning

Subject: Virus warning
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 19:09:51 -0500

This is an automated message from the Western Kentucky University Postmaster

An email message which appeared to come from bug-bash@gnu.org has been rejected
by our Anti-Virus software.

The details of what was detected and the original message header are provided
below.  Please take appropriate steps to remove all viruses from your computer
before attempting to resend the message.  Some messages have the ability to
fake the from or to field of a message so it is possible that you didn't 
send the message out.  If so we apologize for any inconveniences.

If you have any questions regarding this notification please send a message
to emailhelp@lists.wku.edu or call 270-745-4982.

{message} is infected with Exploit-MIME.gen.exe

Viruses: 1
Trojans: 0
Jokes: 0
Tests: 0

--- The message header follows: ---

To: Zip-Bugs@lists.wku.edu
Subject: 3.67, 3 votes
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Message-Id: <20021012000928.KTZN12466.out003.verizon.net@Arxuh>
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 19:09:29 -0500

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