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Mar Stats

From: Stats Dept.
Subject: Mar Stats
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 15:00:38 -0900
User-agent: Mozilla 4.7 [en] (Win95; I)

To contact us, please do_not_replyto. 
See the bottom of this email to contact us by telephone or email. 

It's true. You will get stats emails like this very soon 

Quickly, send me an email or call me and you will get real com.miss.ion 
emails with this subject line and big, big comm_ission pa.yments from all
the bus_inesses you 

To pro.ve it, for a limit_ed per_iod I will give.you 10 sign_ups (that will

p.a.y. to j.o.i.n. your bus.in.ess) and I will not ask you for a sin.gle
to get you star-ted. Use these to gen_erate an in.stant in.com_e. 

Then sitback & watch the_sign_ups join_you inst_antly in their droves and 
without you having to do much_at all. 

At the end of March you will get comm_ission state_ments showing that you 
have ear.ned tens_of thou_s_ands of doll_ars from your existing 

Miss. this and def_in.it.ely miss.out on the ea-sie.st and fas.test mo.ney 
that you will ever ma.ke from your bu.sin_ess opp.or-tuni.ty 

You can call me on 00.44 - 791 - 365 - 8094 or +44. 791 - 365 - 8094 or
from USA 00.144 
791 - 365 - 8094 or email me on wes33@tiscali.co.uk 

Please ring my number if you can't get through via email. My number is a 
normal_rate UK mobile telephone. 

Good Luck S Brown 

If you want to stop getting my emails please send me an email to 
wes33@tiscali.co.uk with "US" in the subject. 

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