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There is a error in xmbsrtowcs.c

From: Zhouyi Zhou
Subject: There is a error in xmbsrtowcs.c
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 17:25:41 +0800

Dear Maintainers, 
  I think here is a bug in

     36 size_t
     37 xmbsrtowcs (dest, src, len, pstate)
     38     wchar_t *dest;
     39     const char **src;
     40     size_t len;
     41     mbstate_t *pstate;
     42 {
     43   mbstate_t *ps;
     44   size_t mblength, wclength, n;
     46   ps = pstate;
     47   if (pstate == NULL)
     48     {
     49       if (!local_state_use)
     50         {
     51           memset (&local_state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
     52           local_state_use = 1;
     53         }
     54       ps = &local_state;
     55     }
     57   n = strlen(*src) + 1;
     59   if (dest == NULL)
     60     {
     61       wchar_t *wsbuf;
     62       char *mbsbuf, *mbsbuf_top;
     63       mbstate_t psbuf;
     65       wsbuf = (wchar_t *) malloc ((n + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));
     66       mbsbuf_top = mbsbuf = (char *) malloc (n + 1);
     67       memcpy(mbsbuf, *src, n + 1);
The line 67 will cause bash to crash when 
$ls *.o in some directory.

I think it should be 
 67       memcpy(mbsbuf, *src, n);

After I changed this, it won't crash again.

My machine is FreeBSD6.0 i686.

Sincerely yours 
Zhouyi Zhou
Institute of Software 
Chinese Academy of Sciences

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