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Re: foo* doesn't match when 'foobar' does; fname=FooBar on xfs w/naming

From: pk
Subject: Re: foo* doesn't match when 'foobar' does; fname=FooBar on xfs w/naming "ci" option
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2010 15:48:23 -0000
User-agent: KNode/4.3.5

Linda Walsh wrote:

> I'm not sure if this is bash specific...I'd wager not, but I'm not sure
> where to put it.
> I created an xfs file system with the naming version=ci, (case-ignore)
> flag.
> This causes it to match filenames with case ignored.
> So an exact match of a file name matches with the case begin ignored,
> i.e. 'foobar' matches 'FooBar'.
> But foo* doesn't match.
> Does something need to happen for case to be ignored in wildcards, on this
> file system?
> The bash option to ignore case in wildcards wouldn't be a correct option
> for this, as that would cause it to ignore case on all file systems
> (if I understand it correctly).
> So how can I get case ignored in wildcards, but only on this file system
> --
> consistent with it's creation options?  (version=ci is an option at file
> system creation time).
> Does bash use a generic regex library or does it have its own?

Have you tried to set

shopt -s nocaseglob

in bash?

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