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Re: set -m +m -x and the element of chance or is it race conditions?

From: jidanni
Subject: Re: set -m +m -x and the element of chance or is it race conditions?
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2011 08:33:15 +0800

>>>>> "CR" == Chet Ramey <chet.ramey@case.edu> writes:
CR> Is it a problem?  Bash prints messages about signal-terminated processes --
CR> at least those that don't die due to SIGINT or SIGPIPE -- when the
CR> shell is not interactive.  Most people want to know when their jobs die
CR> and their scripts fail.

But some don't, but also don't want to do exec 2>/dev/null and take
other messages to the grave with it.

Plus it isn't documented, depends on having e.g., sleep 0 after it, and
in general looks like one big hack. And violates the set +mb promise!

CR> (And, by the way, historical versions of sh did the same thing.)
But not the oldest.

OK, never mind, I'll just do
sleep 11&
kill -INT $!
sleep 0

However you might want to document it there on the bash man page. There
is a lot about SIGINT, but not this.

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