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Re: How to create bash-pattern to exclude a matching param in param expa

From: Chris F.A. Johnson
Subject: Re: How to create bash-pattern to exclude a matching param in param expansion&matching?
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 18:47:29 -0400 (EDT)
User-agent: Alpine 2.00 (LMD 1167 2008-08-23)

On Mon, 28 Oct 2013, Linda Walsh wrote:

I am missing how to create a bash-pattern that excludes a specific pattern.

I.e. to ignore any file with '-IGN-' somewhere in the filename.

The best I've come up with so far has been to use shell to build
a pattern, but I know it is limited in functionality.  I.e.:

ls !($(echo *+(-IGN-)*|tr " " "|"))

I tried the above in a dir that has 2 files w/the pattern, and
532 w/o, and it worked, but how much of that was 'luck'?

Is there a better bash-pattern that doesn't use tr and such?

ls !(*-IGN-*)

Chris F.A. Johnson, <http://cfajohnson.com/>

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