AIX is "no more entitled" to it, but they are using it - and "it" is stopping make from succeeding.
+ > .buildaix/make.out
../src/bash-4.4/parse.y: warning: 1 shift/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-sr]
"../src/bash-4.4/execute_cmd.c", line 4655.16: 1506-068 (W) Operation between types "struct array*" and "volatile struct array*" is not allowed.
"../src/bash-4.4/execute_cmd.c", line 4657.16: 1506-068 (W) Operation between types "struct array*" and "volatile struct array*" is not allowed.
"/usr/include/mbstr.h", line 47.22: 1506-334 (S) Identifier mbchar_t has already been defined on line 175 of "../src/bash-4.4/include/shmbchar.h".
make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 1.
This is from a build done from the beta release from 24 hours ago.